La Luz del Mundo 2023
4 Seasons
Atrévete a ser revestido de la visión para llevar luz al mundo. Revive cada charla y mantén la llama de la visión encendida en tu vida y tu ministerio.
The Privilege of Winning Souls - Pastor Cesar Castellanos
Episode 1
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
The Lord could preach and rescue the lost directly, but he desires to do it through you. Winning souls implies paying a price, but the Lord will fill you with favor and grace when you decide to do so.
32:08Episode 2
Win - Pastors Alfredo and Perla Mora
Episode 2
Lift your eyes and visualize what you will gain for your life.
The most important ingredient in winning souls is love. God longs to expand our hearts so that we may win the masses with love. Jesus didn't seek the lost to accuse them but rather to love them. Be filled by that Christly deposit of...
Consolidation - Pastors Orlando and Ruth Jimena Castañeda
Episode 3
Consolidation is a never-ending process.
Consolidation is more than just a method. A consolidator must respond the question, "Who do you want to please?". Taking an interest in the needs of new believers allows us to guide them in love. Learn tips on effective consolidation through this message.
Discipleship in Vision - Pastor Eliemerson Proenca
Episode 4
Learn the worth of relationships in Discipleship.
Discipleship is relationship, connection and alliance.Leadership is essential in multiplication. A leader must turn their friends into into disciples and their disciples into leaders. When there's no leadership, the Lord halts growth. Disciplesh...
Send to success - Pastors Jorge Andres and Margarita Cataño
Episode 5
God equips those whom He calls!
You must step out of your comfort zone and make an effort to succeed. It's not about your personality but serving the Lord with diligence, and you will reach a new level. When you work hard, doors will open. Remember, no vocation opens doors like serving the Lord!
Vision Panel with Pastors Bert Pretorius, Oriel Ballano and Lee Seung Bang
Episode 6
The G12 Vision worldwide.
Be inspired by the testimonies of several pastors and how their ministries have multiplied during the pandemic. The Vision is a strategy that will take you to conquer the multitudes for Jesus.
Vision Panel with Pastors Wes Richards, Lawrence Khong and Art Sepulveda
Episode 7
You Are Called to Disciple Your Family!
The G12 Vision is a vision for families. The Lord's desire is that you serve him alongside your family; there's a place for each one of them in the ministry. Listen to this message to hear some testimonies that will help you implement this vision in your h...
Vision Panel with Pastors Omar Cabrera, Juan Carlos Rojas and Jose Luis Barrios
Episode 8
Learn how to implement the G12 Vision correctly and you will see multiplication.
Discover the testimonies of pastors from Spain and Argentina, and be inspired by the transformation of their nation through the G12 Vision.
From Here On, You Will Be a Fisherman of Men - Pastor Emma Claudia Castellanos
Episode 9
Face your fears and become a fisher of men.
Perhaps you've been a Christian for a while but have yet to see the desired fruit. It's time to face those obstacles that have prevented you from being born into ministry. Have genuine repentance through sincere prayer and seek the help of the Holy Sp...
A Torch Ablaze - Pastors John and Angela Espinosa
Episode 10
Consolidation is proven effective when its fruit remains.
If you want carry out the supernatural in this time, the Lord must set your life ablaze through the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist never did a thing for himself or to be known; his desire was to please the heart of God. A consolidator must...
Having A Disciple's Heart - Pastor Luz Janeth Espinal
Episode 11
Win your disciple's heart and they will give you their hand.
A leader keeps and corrects with kindness, affirming their disciples at all times. You must discern the spiritual maturity of each disciple and take an interest in their story. A leader must confront their disciples. Hurt leaders and h...
38:57Episode 12
Send to me - Pastor Johanna Castellanos
Episode 12
Here am I! Send me.
The Lord longs to pour out an evangelistic anointing on your life to fulfill the Great Commission, but remember that it is the Holy Spirit who empowers you to do the work through His baptism.
Today your cell group will resurrect (Part 1) - Pastors Emma Claudia and Johanna
Episode 13
Cell groups that Transform Families
As a leader, you are the light that will bring salvation to your home by means of a cell group. Today is the day of resurrection in ministry! Learn innovative strategies to open a cell group in-person, learn to reach the needs of every person.
Today your cell group will resurrect (Part 2) - Pastors Emma Claudia and Johanna
Episode 14
Cell groups that Transform Families
As a leader, you are the light that will bring salvation to your home by means of a cell group. Today is the day of resurrection in ministry! Learn innovative strategies to open a cell group in-person, learn to reach the needs of every person.
Dream Again - Pastors Ricardo and Luisa Leiva
Episode 15
It's time to break free from captivity and start dreaming again.
Confess your sins and repent so that you may go out and win others. Don't give the enemy any more authority. Clothe yourself with Christ and restore the vision.
The Vision Attracts Provision - Pastor Esteban Chaves
Episode 16
What are you seeking while serving the Lord?
The Lord will clear the way and give you provision if it is in the vision. The reason for our being in church should not be our own happiness, but rather the kingdom and his righteousness. Put your priorities in order; serve the Lord by rescuing the l...
Be friend the Holy Spirit - Pastor Janeth Barrios
Episode 17
The Holy Spirit, the best teacher of prayer.
Where there's a relationship with God, there the Holy Spirit is present waiting for you to say, "welcome." Befriend the Holy Spirit and he will lead you in the correct prayer!
Prophesy for the nations - Pastors Cesar and Emma Claudia Castellanos
Episode 18
Prophet in the house! Enjoy this prophetic season for every nation.
The financial area is a very spiritual matter. The principle of prosperity is to be debt-free. Pay what you owe, and then you'll know what you have.